is is the essence of self…discipline。
Controlling Your Emotions
Most people act first and think about the consequesnces later。 Self…discipline will reverse that process。 You will learn to think before you act。
学习这种程序的主要方法,就是控制你的情绪。我们再 来回顾一下14种主要的情绪:
The primary means to this ecd is your control of your emotions。 For review; the fourteen major emotions are repeated below。
Positive Emotions 消极情绪
Negative Emotions
1.爱 Love
2.性 Sex
3.希望 Hope
4.信心 Faith
5.热忱 Enthusiasm
6.忠诚 Loyalty
7.欲望 Desire
1.恐惧 Fear
2.嫉妒 Jealousy
3.仇恨 Hatred
4.报复 Revenge
5.贪婪 Greed
6.愤怒 Anger
7。迷信 Superstition
所有这些情绪都是一种心理状态,所以也是你能掌控的 对象。你可以想像如果不能控制那些消极情绪,会造成多么 大的危险。同样的,如果你不能有意识地控制那些积极情绪 的话,它们也会造成破坏性的结果。
All these emotions are states of mind and are thus subject to your control。 YOu can see right away how dangerous the negative emotions can be if they are not mastered。 The positive emotions can also be destructive if you do not organize and release them with conscious control。
隐藏在这些情绪里的,是具有爆炸威力的力量。如果你 能适当地控制这股力量,它就可能使你获得成就;但如果你任 由它自行奔放,它就可能把你扔到失败的深渊之中,使你头破 血流。
Inherent in these emotions is explosive power。 If you regulate that power properly; it can lift you to the heights of achievement。 But if you let it run wild; it can dash you to pieces on the rocks of failure。
从前面几章中,你已学到明确的目标加上有推动力的动 机,是所有成就的起始点。这股动机必须非常强烈,促使你所 有的思想和努力,都以达成明确目标为依归……但是你的推 动力——你的情绪——也必须由你的判断力来控制,以期你 的热忱和欲望不致脱离你的智慧范围成为脱缰野马。换句话 说,你必须约束你自己,以使得你的推动力永远受到控制,而 且会被导引到正确的管道中。
You learned in earlier chapters that a definite major purpose; activated by a driving motive; is the starting point of all worhwhile achievement。 This motive must be so strong that it will subordinate all your thoughts and efforts to the attainment of your definite purpose。 But your driveyour emotionsmust also be subject to your own good judgment so that your enthusiasm and desire will not run over your wisdom。 In other words; you must discipline yourself so that your drive is always under control and directed in the proper channels。
自律要求以你的理性来平衡你的情绪,也就是说在你做 决定之前,你应学习兼顾你的感情和理性。有的时候应该排 除所有情绪,而只接受理性的一面;而有时候你必须接受较多的情绪面,并用理性来做一些修饰——符合中庸之道是非常 重要的。
Self…discipline calls for balancing your emotions with your reasoning。 This means you must learn to consult both your fellings and your reason before you reach any decision。 Sometimes you will need to set aside your emotions and fllow the dictates of reason alone。 Other times you will decide in favor of your emotions; modified by your reson。 A happpy medium is imporant。
换工作不如换思维 学会站着睡觉 今生龙凤缘 幸福没有味道 剑何以问天下 激荡三十年(上下) 三双鞋:美捷步总裁谢家华自述 重生之沸腾时代 告别虚伪的形式 中华帝国1908 不跪舔后白月光追悔莫及纪天问夏舒昀免费阅读全文最新 我死后第七年,替身文男主疯批了 婆媳相处之道 不跪舔后白月光追悔莫及主角纪天问夏舒昀 老祖宗靠摆烂成娱乐圈团宠 毒女人:86位吸毒女性的口述实录 纪天问夏舒昀不跪舔后白月光追悔莫及最新全文免费阅读无弹窗 不跪舔后白月光追悔莫及纪天问夏舒昀全本免费阅读 天亮以后说分手 老祖宗的咸鱼马甲又被扒了